المحاليل الوريدية ذات الحجم الصغير (SVP)
آلة تعبئة الأمبولات من شركة أليسون مصممة لتعبئة وإغلاق أمبولات الزجاج المستخدمة في الحقن السائل بكفاءة عالية. تتميز هذه الوحدة القوية بتصميم من نوع "مونوبلوك"، مما يضمن تعبئة الأمبولات وتغليفها فورًا بعد التعبئة لتجنب التلوث. تحتوي الآلة على آلية تطهير بالنيتروجين مع قدرات تطهير قبل وبعد التعبئة للحفاظ على التعقيم.
تتميز هذه الآلة بمرونة عالية، حيث يمكنها تعبئة وإغلاق الأمبولات التي تتراوح أحجامها من 1 مل إلى 20 مل، كما تعتمد الآلة على مبدأ المضخة الحجميّة الخزفية، حيث تستطيع تعبئة من 10 إلى 250 أمبولة في الدقيقة، مما يجمع بين الدقة والإنتاجية العالية.

Lido- Alison 1% Amp Local infiltration (S.C, I.M), I.V
Classification: Medicine
Composition: Lidocaine Hydrochloride
Concentration: 1%
Route of administration: S.C, IM, IV Ampoule
Presentation: 5-amp Pack, 50-amp Pack
Therapeutic area: local anaesthetic
Uses: Lido-Alison Amp may be used to produce local numbness (anaesthesia) by injection of the solution into or around the area of operation. It may also be used to produce local anaesthesia by injection of the solution close to the nerves whose conduction is to be cut off, or into the epidural space near the spinal cord, or by administering the solution into a vein in a limb that has been isolated from the circulation by means of a tourniquet (bandage that stops the flow of blood from vessel by applying pressure).

Lido- Alison 2% Amp Local infiltration (S.C, I.M), I.V
Classification: Medicine
Composition: Lidocaine Hydrochloride
Concentration: 2%
Route of administration: S.C, IM, IV Ampoule
Presentation: 5-amp Pack,50-amp Pack
Therapeutic area: local anaesthetic
Uses: Lido-Alison Amp may be used to produce local numbness (anaesthesia) by injection of the solution into or around the area of operation. It may also be used to produce local anaesthesia by injection of the solution close to the nerves whose conduction is to be cut off, or into the epidural space near the spinal cord, or by administering the solution into a vein in a limb that has been isolated from the circulation by means of a tourniquet (bandage that stops the flow of blood from vessel by applying pressure).and not producing normal amounts of urine.

Keto-Alison 30 mg/ml Amp (I.V, I.M)
Classification: Medicine
Composition: ketorolac tromethamine
Concentration: 30mg/ml
Route of administration: IM, IV Ampoule
Presentation: 5-amp Pack, 100-amp Pack
Therapeutic area: Analgesic “NSAID”
Uses: it’s used in hospital, for pain relief after operations. Ketorolac can lessen pain, swelling, redness and heat (inflammation).

Furo-Alison 20 mg/2ml (I.V, I.M) ampoule
Classification: Medicine
Composition: Furosemide
Concentration: 20 mg/2ml
Route of administration: IM, IV Ampoule
Presentation: 5-amp Pack, 100-amp Pack
Therapeutic area: Diuretics
Uses: remove excess fluid from the body. It may also be used when your kidneys are not functioning properly and not producing normal amounts of urine.

Meto- Alison 10mg/2ml Amp- (I.V, I.M) ampoule
Classification: Medicine
Composition: Metoclopramide
Concentration: 10mg/2ml
Route of administration: IM, IV Ampoule
Presentation: 5-amp Pack, 100-amp Pack
Therapeutic area: Ant-emetic
- to prevent nausea and vomiting that may occur after surgery.
- to treat nausea and vomiting including nausea and vomiting which may occur with a migraine.
- to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by radiotherapy Pediatric population Meto-Alison 5 mg/ml Amp is used in children (aged 1-18 years) if other treatment does not work or cannot be used.
- to prevent delayed nausea and vomiting that may occur after chemotherapy
- to treat nausea and vomiting that has occurred after surgery

Neostigmine-Alison 2.5 mg/ml Amp
Classification: Medicine
Composition: Neostigmine methyl sulfate
Concentration: 2.5 mg/1ml
Route of administration: Slow IV, IM, SC
Presentation: 5-amp Pack
Therapeutic area: cholinesterase inhibitor
- Treat abnormally tired and weak muscles (myasthenia gravis).
- Reverse the effects of muscle relaxants.
- Improve movement in the small intestine.
- Reduce urine retention after surgical procedures

Dexa-Alison 4 mg/ml (I.M, I.V) 2ml Amp
Classification: Medicine
Composition: Dexamethasone phosphate (as sodium)
Concentration: 8mg/2ml
Route of administration: IM, IV Ampoule
Presentation: 5-amp Pack, 100-amp Pack
Therapeutic area: Anti-inflammatory
Uses: Dexamethasone reduces inflammation and suppresses the immune system

Hyo-Alison 20mg/1ml Amp
Classification: Medicine
Composition: Hyoscine Butyl Bromide
Concentration: 20 mg/1 ml
Route of administration: IV,IM Ampoule
Presentation: 5-amp Pack, 100-amp Pack
Therapeutic area: Antispasmodic
Uses: To relieve spasms of smooth muscles of gastrointestinal tract and urogenital tract (stomach, intestines, biliary tract, pancreas and urinary tract), can also be used in diagnostic and therapeutic medical procedures where spasm may be a problem (e.g., barium enema).

Dexa-Alison 4 mg/1ml amp (IM, IV)
Classification: Medicine
Composition: Dexamethasone 4 mg
Concentration: 4mg/1ml
Route of administration: IM, IV amp
Presentation: 5-amp pack, 100-amp Pack
Therapeutic area: Anti-inflammatory
Uses: Dexamethasone reduces inflammation and suppresses the immune system

Diclo-Alison 75mg/3ml amp (IM, IV infusion)
Classification: Medicine
Composition: Diclofenac sodium 75 mg
Concentration: 75mg/3ml
Route of administration: IM, IV Infusion
Presentation: 5-amp pack, 100-amp pack
Therapeutic area: Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs).
Uses: Reduce Pain and Inflammation.

Diclo-Lido Alison Amp (IM)
Classification: Medicine
Composition: Diclofenac sodium 75 mg, Lidocaine Hcl 20 mg
Concentration: Diclofenac sodium 75 mg/2ml, Lidocaine Hcl 20 mg/2ml
Route of administration: IM only
Presentation: 5-amp Pack, 100-amp Pack
Therapeutic area: Diclofenac sodium Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), Lidocaine HCl is a local anesthetic of the amide group.
Uses: Reduce Pain and Inflammation.

B12 Alison amp 1mg/1 ml
Classification: Medicine
Composition: Hydroxocobalamin 1 mg
Concentration: 1mg/1ml
Route of administration: IM
Presentation: 5-amp Pack
Therapeutic area: B12 Deficiency
Uses: Addisonian pernicious anaemia, Tobacco amblyopia, Leber’s atrophy, Treatment/prevention of other macrocytic anaemias due to deficiency in vitamin B12